
Introduction Chapter 1 : Doubter ( or ) Believer ? Chapter 2 : The Discourse and its Negation Scriptural and Midrashic Characters : The Sages in a Mesh of Intimate Chapter 3 : Towards a Novel Critical Discourse on Agnon ' s Language as a Primary Road-sign / From Linguistic Research to Talmud and / From Language to Textual Theory / Divine vis a vis Human Speech : The Western Culture / The Sages' Textual Theory : Releasing Philosophy from / 'Windows' Text : The Scriptures According to the Sages . Chapter 4 : Characterizing the Sages' Text Sages' Language as Exegetic Language / Recitation : The Open Text and Reader / The Sugia Course and Scriptural Channels / The Genres : Scripture Aggada and Halakha - Different Stages of Exegetic 'Planting ' . Chapter 5 : Origin and Development of the Agnonic Text In Retrospect : Tchatchkes' Writing / The Agnonic Starting Point : The Substrate / Between the Emitting and the Absorbing Texts , Between Non-Midrashic Texts / Honi Hame ' agel : The Son and th...  אל הספר
הוצאת ראובן מס בע"מ, ירושלים