CONTENTS Introduction — Current Criminology : Critical and Prospective Remarks : Yuval Wolf 9 Part One : Society and Crime : Moshe Hazani 19 Hoffman , Yuval Wolf & Moshe Addad and Labeling in Terms of Conformists and Offenders 23 Addad in Adolescence 41 Hazani Empirical Approach to the Labeling Theory 61 Timor , Eitan Yerushalmi & Moshe Addad Intifada ' s Impact on Israeli Arabs 73 Amir Crime in Post-Soviet Russia 85 Ben-David , Malka Alek & Peter Self an Victimization , Trauma , and Criminal Activity Among in Israel 107 Part Two : Crime , Policing , and Enforcement Introduction : Moshe Hazani 127 Eliram Policing : A New Hope or a Gimmick at the the Millenium 129  אל הספר
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