
248 | מדוע הקפיטליזם מצליח במערב ונכשל כמעט בכל מקום אחר ? 4 . Simonde de Sismondi , Nouveaux principes d'économic politiquem Paris : Calmann - Lévy , 1827, pp . 81 – 82 . Jean Baptiste Say , Traité d'économie politique , Paris : . 5 Deterville , 1819, Vol . 2, p . 429 . Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels , Collected Works , New York : . 6 International Publishers , 1996, Vol . 35, p . 82 . Smith , The Wealth of Nations , former Vol . 1, p . 242 . 7 . 8 . שם, עמ' 286 . 9 . : Herbert L . Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow , Michel Foucault Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, Chicago : Harvester , University of Chicago , 1982, p . 211 . George A . Miller and Philip N . Johnson - Laird , Language and . 10 Perception , Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1976, p . 578 . Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger , " The Property Theory of . 11 Interest and Money ", unpublished manuscript , second draft , October 1998, p . 22 . 12 . שם, עמ' 43 . 13 . שם, עמ' 38 . 14 . Tom Bethell , The Noblest Triumph , New Y...  אל הספר
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