The Reich-Shukron Excavations in the City of David (1995–2010)

* 27 ) 20 ( 2 – 1195 ( The Reich - Shukroi Excavatoig ii the itt oo avid The wall, a long segment of which was uncovered, indicated that the city had expanded eastward at that time, toward a relatively moderate area in terms of its topography . Moreover, in the area of this expansion, in the excavation’s Area B, we uncovered remains of new dwellings that Shiloh’s excavation that preceded ours had begun to unearth – houses that the wall was intended to protect . 8 On the rock east of the wall a long segment of Channel I was found, the beginning of which was discovered at the end of the nineteenth century near the Gihon spring . We uncovered other segments of this channel near the spring ( Area F ) , and in the southern part of the hill ( Area A ) . While these portions were distant from each other, it is fairly clear that they belong to the same channel, as attested by the similar level of their floors . The importance of the main segment, the one in Area J, is that here it can be preci...  אל הספר
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