Editor's Introduction

Editor'g Iitroductoi * 14 The article in this volume by Nahson Zanton, Meidad Shor and Moran Hagbi deals with the finds along the late Second Temple - period stepped street uncovered on the western side of the City of David along the Tyropoeon Valley . In previous years the excavators have reported on the surprising date of the street, which they ascribe to the 30 s CE rather than to Herod’s time . The finding of a stepped monument along the street, whose nature has yet to be satisfyingly explained, has also been reported . In their current article, Zanton, Shor and Hagbi discuss the ongoing discovery of the street that was covered by the rubble of destruction, 90 meters of which have so far been unearthed . The excavations show that another street emerged from it to the west . At the junction of the two streets a fine plaza was constructed with a built installation that was originally uncovered by Bliss and Dickie, who were the first to excavate in this area . The current excavators p...  אל הספר
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