
Policy Paper 135 | National Civic Service for the Ultra - Orthodox iv . 1 Value s and gui din g p r inc ip les o f n ation al c ivi c servic e The service’s guiding principles reflect, first and foremost, the value of equality, in keeping with the aspiration of decision - makers and of various sectors in society to increase the share of the ultra - Orthodox in military and national service, which they see as civic duties of the highest order . In addition, national civic service is a governmental platform that increases the likelihood that those serving will fully and fundamentally integrate in all aspects of life in a manner that will increase social equality . Other social values underlying national civic service are the necessity and benefit of service to the individual, the community, society, and the state . The economic benefits of the service are also crucial, since the service must produce clear economic benefit, greater than the cost of its operation . All these are factors in...  אל הספר
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