1. השימוש בתרגומים העתיקים בביקורת הנוסח

A . Aejmelaeus , "What Can We Knowabout the Hebrew Vorlage 0 { ihe Septuagint " , ZA W 99 The Typology of Litera- ( 1987 ) 58-89 ; Barr , Comparative Philology , 238—272 ; idem , lism in Ancient Biblical Translations " , Milleilungen desSeptuaginla- Unternehmens XV , = NA WG , 1 , Phil .-Hist . Kl . ( 1979 ) 279-325 ; S . P . Brock , "Bibelubersetzungen 1 " , Theologische Realenzyklopadie VI ( Berlin — New York 1980 ) 161 ff . ; S . R . Driver , Notes on the Hebrew Text and the Topographyof the Booksof Samuel , with an Intro- 1 duction on Hebrew Palaeography andthe AncientVersions ( O \ lord 1913 ) XXXIII— XXXIX ; M . H . Goshen— Gotlstein , 'Theory and Practice of Textual Criticism — The Text-Criti- cal Use of the Septuagint " , Textus 3 ( 1963 ) 130—158 ; M . L . Margolis , "Complete Indue- tion for the Identification of the Vocabulary in the Greek Versions of the OT with Its Semitic Equivalents ... " , . //* OS 30 ( 1910 ) 301-312 ; E . Tov , 'The Use of Concordan- ces in the Reco...  אל הספר
מוסד ביאליק