The Offerings of the King-Priest:Judeo-Christian Polemics and the Early Byzantine Iconography of Melchizedek ELISHEVA REVEL-NEHER

The Offerings of the King-Priest : Judeo-Christian Polemics and the Early Byzantine Iconography of Melchizedek ELISHEVA REVEL-NEHER 1 Three verses in Genesis introduce Melchizedek and give him the extraordinary role of blessing Abraham . As King of Salem , he offers Abraham bread and wine in the aftermath of his battle with the kings ; as a priest to 3 , he blesses Abraham and receives the tithe from him : Melchizedek , King of Salem , brought out bread and wine , he was of God Most High . He blessed him , saying 'Blessed be thou , , by God Most High , Master of Heaven and Earth . And be God Most High who has delivered your enemies in your ' . And he gave him a tithe of everything . narrative is not very prolific regarding Melchizedek . The strikingly brief in its presentation of mere facts which , when offer a restricted account of the events . We have no details of ' s background and no explanation of his functions or relation- 14 : 18-20 . identilication of Salem with Jerusalem find...  אל הספר
יד יצחק בן-צבי

מרכז דינור לחקר תולדות ישראל